Saturday, 15 August 2009

Financial help for you, check and claim it today.

Financial advice

Attendance Allowance

Home > Advice & support > Financial advice > Help claiming benefits > Attendance Allowance

Older woman dresses by mirrorAttendance Allowance

Some older people may need help with daily living, for example, dressing, washing, or moving around indoors. Claiming Attendance Allowance can help with these costs.
This section gives details about Attendance Allowance, for those aged 65 or over. If you are under 65, you should claim Disability Living Allowance rather than Attendance Allowance.

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The four national Age Concerns in the UK have joined together with Help the Aged to form new national charities dedicated to improving the lives of older people.

Free advice

0808 800 6565
(Textphone-Minicom 0800 26 96 26)
Seniorline in Northern Ireland
0808 808 7575

Publications and downloads

Attendance Allowance

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© Age UK 2009. Registered Charity No. 1128267. Company No. 6825798.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

What are your views on the future of the care systerm and its funding.

Shaping the future of care together

  • Document type:
  • Author:
    HM Government
  • Published date:
    14 July 2009
  • Primary audience:
    Health and social care professionals, Public
  • Alternative title:
    Shaping the Future of Care Together Green Paper
  • Product number:
    Cm 7673
  • Gateway reference:

  • Copyright holder:

Shaping the Future of Care Together sets out a vision for a new care and support system. The Green Paper highlights the challenges faced by the current system and the need for radical reform, to develop a National Care Service that is fair, simple and affordable for everyone.

Within the Green Paper, it sets out a number of consultation questions and asks everyone to provide their views about how they think Government can make this vision a reality and develop a care and support system fit for the 21st century.

The consultation will run from 14 July 2009 to 13 November 2009.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Useful numbers and advice for swine flu

Pandemic Flu Service

Find flu information

0800 1 513 513

Northern Ireland

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Wales Cymraeg

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Get flu treatment or further advice

If you have flu-like symptoms and are concerned:

In England: National Pandemic Flu Service

You can also call one of the numbers below:

Tel: 0800 1 513 100

Textphone for people who are deaf or hard of hearing:
0800 1 513 200

In Scotland:

  • Stay at home
  • Contact your GP or NHS 24

NHS 24: 08454 24 24 24

In Wales:

  • Stay at home
  • Contact your GP
  • Contact NHS Direct Wales for further advice

NHS Direct Wales:
0845 46 47

In Northern Ireland:

  • Stay at home
  • Contact your GP if you are concerned
  • For further advice, contact the Northern Ireland Swine Flu Helpline

Northern Ireland Swine Flu Helpline:
0800 0514 142
(Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Dementia Care

Welcome to Emma RoseCare Service Advice. This website is for you unsung heros' who provide care and support to those in need. We would like to hear and know your views and comments. Tells us about the services you of the greatest opportunities that faces us this century is to respond to the needs of the ageing population and to harness effectively the contributions older people can and do make to society. Please take some time and look at the current informtion with dementia.