Saturday, 16 October 2010
Friday, 23 July 2010
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Find out how telcare might benefit you.
Chubb Community Care Shadsworth Road, Blackburn
BB1 2PR Tel: 01254 688 774 Fax: 01254 696 460
Warrington Borough Council
Enid is a 66 year old female who is suffering
from severe dementia and has had a recent
stroke. She is living in her owner occupied
bungalow, being supported by her daughter and
son who take turns to stay with her day and
The main worries are that Enid gets out of her
armchair whenever she is left alone, which is
resulting in frequent falls so the family is being
unable to have any sort of respite from her.
Also during the night Enid gets out of bed and
has had several falls. This therefore means that
her family are getting very little sleep because of
the fear of Enid getting up and them not hearing
Warrington Carecall Community Services
conducted a telecare assessment and
recommended the Chubb Carer Alert,
Pressure on sensor and pressure mat, fitted by
the bed, and Pressure off sensor and pressure
mat, fitted on armchair which was fitted.
The pressure on sensor raises an alarm to the
Carer Alert as soon as Enid puts her legs out of
bed onto the pressure mat next to the bed, so
enabling her family to get to her before she
stands up and puts herself at risk of falling and
the pressure off sensor raises an alarm to the
Carer Alert as soon as Enid lifts her weight off
the seat so reducing Enid's chance of falling.
This equipment was installed in February
2008, and during this time there have
been no further falls as a result of Enid
getting out of bed or off her chair.
Enid’s daughter states that she feels
their lives have much improved since the
equipment was installed. They can now
go out into the garden or into the kitchen
without worrying that Enid will get out of
her chair without them knowing. And at
night they are getting more quality sleep
knowing that the Carer Alert will wake
them if Enid attempts to get out of bed.
BB1 2PR Tel: 01254 688 774 Fax: 01254 696 460
Warrington Borough Council
Enid is a 66 year old female who is suffering
from severe dementia and has had a recent
stroke. She is living in her owner occupied
bungalow, being supported by her daughter and
son who take turns to stay with her day and
The main worries are that Enid gets out of her
armchair whenever she is left alone, which is
resulting in frequent falls so the family is being
unable to have any sort of respite from her.
Also during the night Enid gets out of bed and
has had several falls. This therefore means that
her family are getting very little sleep because of
the fear of Enid getting up and them not hearing
Warrington Carecall Community Services
conducted a telecare assessment and
recommended the Chubb Carer Alert,
Pressure on sensor and pressure mat, fitted by
the bed, and Pressure off sensor and pressure
mat, fitted on armchair which was fitted.
The pressure on sensor raises an alarm to the
Carer Alert as soon as Enid puts her legs out of
bed onto the pressure mat next to the bed, so
enabling her family to get to her before she
stands up and puts herself at risk of falling and
the pressure off sensor raises an alarm to the
Carer Alert as soon as Enid lifts her weight off
the seat so reducing Enid's chance of falling.
This equipment was installed in February
2008, and during this time there have
been no further falls as a result of Enid
getting out of bed or off her chair.
Enid’s daughter states that she feels
their lives have much improved since the
equipment was installed. They can now
go out into the garden or into the kitchen
without worrying that Enid will get out of
her chair without them knowing. And at
night they are getting more quality sleep
knowing that the Carer Alert will wake
them if Enid attempts to get out of bed.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Saturday, 15 May 2010
New contact details for you
Age Concern EnglandTel: 0800 00 99 66Web: information on issues affecting older people and their carers.
The Alzheimer's SocietyTel: 020 7306 0606Web: its unique knowledge and understanding of dementia, develops quality in its care services, to support people with dementia, their families and their carers.
ACT - Applied Care TrainingTel: 0115 9655 776Specialist dementia training organisation
Association for Real Change (ARC)Tel: 01246 555043Web: umbrella organisation that brings together those who provide services for people with learning disabilities.
Association of Charity OfficersTel: 01707 651777Web: national umbrella body for 'benevolent charities' - which provide aid and advice to individuals in need.
Association of Independent Care Advisers, The (AICA)Tel: 01483 203066Web: member organisations around the country that help people decide on the best choice of care.
British Heart FoundationTel: 0845 070 8070Web: a leading role in the fight against heart disease so that it is no longer a major cause of disability and premature death.
Benefits AdviceTel: 0845 7123456
Benefit advice on tax credits, pensions and estimate of benefits.
Care Standards Inspectorate for WalesTel: 01443 848450Web: and inspects care services in Wales.
Carers UKTel: 020 7490 8818Web: support to anyone who is a carer and undertakes a variety of work to support the needs of carers.
The Carer,
The Carer was formed to offer a unique reference point on the practicalities and emotional needs of carers.
Care Select HelplineTel: 0800 389 2077Web:
Counsel and CareTel: 0845 300 7585Web: for people over 60, their friends and families.
The Commission for Social Care Inspection, Tel: 0845 015 0120Web: national organisation responsible for inspecting and regulating care services.
Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (Northern Ireland)Tel: 028 9052 3315Web: to improve the health and social wellbeing of people and ensure the provision of appropriate health and social care services.
Deaf blind UKTel: 0800 132 320 Web: people who are deaf and blind.
Elderly Accommodation CounselTel: 020 7820 1343Web: people make decisions about where to live and any support or care they need.
Eldercare Solutions Ltd
Tel: 01707 368945
Provide information, financial advice and solutions to paying for care.
ECCA - English Community Care AssociationTel: 020 7220 9595Web: largest representative body for community care in England.
First Stop Care Advice
Tel: 0800 377 7070
An independent, free advice and information service for older people provided jointly by Help the Aged, Elderly Accommodation Counsel, Counsel and Care and NHFA Care Advice.
Friends of the ElderlyTel: 020 7730 8263Web: to enhancing the quality of life for older people by providing a range of high standard services.
Help the AgedTel: 020 7278 1114Web: the issues that matter to older people, working with them to campaign, research and develop practical solutions.
Health Service Ombudsman for EnglandTel: 0845 015 4033Web: complaints that a hardship or injustice has been caused by the NHS's failure to provide a service, by a failure in service, or by maladministration.
Housing Learning and Improvement NetworkWeb:
Leonard Cheshire FoundationTel: 020 7802 8200Web: disabled people to live on their own, whether for a few hours of care at home, or more intensive support within a care home.
MindTel: 020 8519 2122 Info line: 0845 766 0163Web: to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress.
NCF - National Care ForumTel: 024 7624 3619Web: the interests of the not-for-profit sector.
National Institute for Mental Health in England (NIMHE)Tel: 0113 254 5127Web: organisation aims to improve the quality of life for people of all ages who experience mental distress.
NAPATel: 0207 078 9375Web: to create new opportunities for community involvement and activity in care settings.
National Association of Citizens Advice BureauWeb: Citizens Advice Bureau Service offers free, confidential, impartial and independent advice.
NHFAAdvice line: 0800 998 833Web: specialist advice on funding care. Also advice on benefits, legal matters and the investment of capital.
NHS DirectTel: 0845 46 47Web: immediate medical advice and for help finding your local Patient Advice and Liaison Service.
The National Care Association Tel: 020 7831 7090Web: the Government to benefit both its members and the people in their care, represent members and their residents nationally and promote high standards of care.
Office of Fair TradingTel: 020 7211 8000Web: and protects consumers' interests.
Occupational Benevolent Funds AllianceTel: 01707 651777Email: is a network of charities that provide a range of support services for people with connections to particular industries, trades and professions.
Parkinson's Disease SocietyAdvice line: 0808 800 0303Web: support, advice and information to people with Parkinson's, their carers, families and friends.
The Pension Service Tel: 0845 606 0265Web: Government set this up to improve the service older people receive with a network of pension centers supported by a local service.
Office of the Public Guardian
Tel: 0300 456 0300
Supports & promotes decision making for those who lack capacity or would like to plan for your future.
RNIBInfo line: 0845 766 9999Web: information, support and advice to over two million people with sight problems.
RNIDInfo line: 0808 808 0123Web: free confidential and impartial information on employment, equipment, legislation, benefits and issues relating to deafness and hearing loss.
Relatives and Residents' Association, TheAdvice Line: 020 359 8136Web: support and information to families, friends and relatives about issues affecting care homes.
Royal United Beneficent Kingdom Association (RUKBA)Tel: 020 7605 4200Web: older people on very low incomes to live independently in their own homes and when this is no longer possible, they can help with care home fees.
Registered Nursing Home Association, TheTel: 0121 454 2511Web: strongly for high standards in nursing home care.
Saga Care Funding Advice Service Tel: 0800 056 6101 Web: Helping you to make sense of paying for care
ScopeTel: 0808 800 3333Web: to achieve society in which disabled people are valued and have the same human and civil rights as everyone else.
Solicitors for the ElderlyTel: 01992 471568Web: national association of solicitors, barristers and legal executives providing and promoting range of legal services for older people.
Scottish Commission for the Regulation of CareTel: 01382 207100Web: for registering and inspecting care services in Scotland.
Stroke Association, TheHelpline: 0845 30 33 100Web: research into prevention, treatment a better method of rehabilitation and helps stroke patients and their families directly through its community services.
United Kingdom Home Care AssociationTel: 020 8288 5291Web: the high standards of homecare and takes an active role in liaison with local and central government
Citizen Advice Bureau
Tel: 01252 617922 (Fleet)
Advice, information and help.
The Alzheimer's SocietyTel: 020 7306 0606Web: its unique knowledge and understanding of dementia, develops quality in its care services, to support people with dementia, their families and their carers.
ACT - Applied Care TrainingTel: 0115 9655 776Specialist dementia training organisation
Association for Real Change (ARC)Tel: 01246 555043Web: umbrella organisation that brings together those who provide services for people with learning disabilities.
Association of Charity OfficersTel: 01707 651777Web: national umbrella body for 'benevolent charities' - which provide aid and advice to individuals in need.
Association of Independent Care Advisers, The (AICA)Tel: 01483 203066Web: member organisations around the country that help people decide on the best choice of care.
British Heart FoundationTel: 0845 070 8070Web: a leading role in the fight against heart disease so that it is no longer a major cause of disability and premature death.
Benefits AdviceTel: 0845 7123456
Benefit advice on tax credits, pensions and estimate of benefits.
Care Standards Inspectorate for WalesTel: 01443 848450Web: and inspects care services in Wales.
Carers UKTel: 020 7490 8818Web: support to anyone who is a carer and undertakes a variety of work to support the needs of carers.
The Carer,
The Carer was formed to offer a unique reference point on the practicalities and emotional needs of carers.
Care Select HelplineTel: 0800 389 2077Web:
Counsel and CareTel: 0845 300 7585Web: for people over 60, their friends and families.
The Commission for Social Care Inspection, Tel: 0845 015 0120Web: national organisation responsible for inspecting and regulating care services.
Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (Northern Ireland)Tel: 028 9052 3315Web: to improve the health and social wellbeing of people and ensure the provision of appropriate health and social care services.
Deaf blind UKTel: 0800 132 320 Web: people who are deaf and blind.
Elderly Accommodation CounselTel: 020 7820 1343Web: people make decisions about where to live and any support or care they need.
Eldercare Solutions Ltd
Tel: 01707 368945
Provide information, financial advice and solutions to paying for care.
ECCA - English Community Care AssociationTel: 020 7220 9595Web: largest representative body for community care in England.
First Stop Care Advice
Tel: 0800 377 7070
An independent, free advice and information service for older people provided jointly by Help the Aged, Elderly Accommodation Counsel, Counsel and Care and NHFA Care Advice.
Friends of the ElderlyTel: 020 7730 8263Web: to enhancing the quality of life for older people by providing a range of high standard services.
Help the AgedTel: 020 7278 1114Web: the issues that matter to older people, working with them to campaign, research and develop practical solutions.
Health Service Ombudsman for EnglandTel: 0845 015 4033Web: complaints that a hardship or injustice has been caused by the NHS's failure to provide a service, by a failure in service, or by maladministration.
Housing Learning and Improvement NetworkWeb:
Leonard Cheshire FoundationTel: 020 7802 8200Web: disabled people to live on their own, whether for a few hours of care at home, or more intensive support within a care home.
MindTel: 020 8519 2122 Info line: 0845 766 0163Web: to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress.
NCF - National Care ForumTel: 024 7624 3619Web: the interests of the not-for-profit sector.
National Institute for Mental Health in England (NIMHE)Tel: 0113 254 5127Web: organisation aims to improve the quality of life for people of all ages who experience mental distress.
NAPATel: 0207 078 9375Web: to create new opportunities for community involvement and activity in care settings.
National Association of Citizens Advice BureauWeb: Citizens Advice Bureau Service offers free, confidential, impartial and independent advice.
NHFAAdvice line: 0800 998 833Web: specialist advice on funding care. Also advice on benefits, legal matters and the investment of capital.
NHS DirectTel: 0845 46 47Web: immediate medical advice and for help finding your local Patient Advice and Liaison Service.
The National Care Association Tel: 020 7831 7090Web: the Government to benefit both its members and the people in their care, represent members and their residents nationally and promote high standards of care.
Office of Fair TradingTel: 020 7211 8000Web: and protects consumers' interests.
Occupational Benevolent Funds AllianceTel: 01707 651777Email: is a network of charities that provide a range of support services for people with connections to particular industries, trades and professions.
Parkinson's Disease SocietyAdvice line: 0808 800 0303Web: support, advice and information to people with Parkinson's, their carers, families and friends.
The Pension Service Tel: 0845 606 0265Web: Government set this up to improve the service older people receive with a network of pension centers supported by a local service.
Office of the Public Guardian
Tel: 0300 456 0300
Supports & promotes decision making for those who lack capacity or would like to plan for your future.
RNIBInfo line: 0845 766 9999Web: information, support and advice to over two million people with sight problems.
RNIDInfo line: 0808 808 0123Web: free confidential and impartial information on employment, equipment, legislation, benefits and issues relating to deafness and hearing loss.
Relatives and Residents' Association, TheAdvice Line: 020 359 8136Web: support and information to families, friends and relatives about issues affecting care homes.
Royal United Beneficent Kingdom Association (RUKBA)Tel: 020 7605 4200Web: older people on very low incomes to live independently in their own homes and when this is no longer possible, they can help with care home fees.
Registered Nursing Home Association, TheTel: 0121 454 2511Web: strongly for high standards in nursing home care.
Saga Care Funding Advice Service Tel: 0800 056 6101 Web: Helping you to make sense of paying for care
ScopeTel: 0808 800 3333Web: to achieve society in which disabled people are valued and have the same human and civil rights as everyone else.
Solicitors for the ElderlyTel: 01992 471568Web: national association of solicitors, barristers and legal executives providing and promoting range of legal services for older people.
Scottish Commission for the Regulation of CareTel: 01382 207100Web: for registering and inspecting care services in Scotland.
Stroke Association, TheHelpline: 0845 30 33 100Web: research into prevention, treatment a better method of rehabilitation and helps stroke patients and their families directly through its community services.
United Kingdom Home Care AssociationTel: 020 8288 5291Web: the high standards of homecare and takes an active role in liaison with local and central government
Citizen Advice Bureau
Tel: 01252 617922 (Fleet)
Advice, information and help.
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